
Creating B2B Case Studies That Actually Close Deals

Kara Kuryllowicz, a foremost expert & professional case study writer, joins us on the B.S. podcast to share tips & tricks for creating customer case studies that actually help you close sales deals. Learn what goes into a good customer case study, how to get your customers to agree to participate, and the kinds of information you need to include to write a case study that will help you close deals.

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Why You Need to Invest in Content Marketing – Part 2

We had so much fun with Roya Rodeick, that we had enough for another podcast! We continue our conversation with some insight into the cardinal sins of content marketing, how to think about performance goals, the basic idea behind content marketing and what exactly it does for your business (spoiler alert… it’s not supposed to generate sales leads)and whether or not to require people to fill out a form to access your content.

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Why You Need to Invest in Content Marketing – Part 1

Roya Rodeick joins us on the BSin’ with B.S. podcast to talk through all things content marketing for the software industry. We talk about what works, what doesn’t, the importance of thought leadership, how content creation helps drive traffic to your website, and the need to balance customer-focused work with content production for your business.

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B2B Software User Conference DIY

Shannon Albright joins us on the pod this week to chat all about building your software company’s first user conference from the ground up. Hear all about who needs to be involved, where to host it, how much it’s going to cost, things you’ll need to watch out for, and other super handy tips.

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Building a B2B Sales Team at Scale

Amber Witherbee joins us this week to talk about the trials, tribulations, and lessons learned from scaling her B2B sales team from 2 to almost 50 in under 2 years. Tune in to hear from this 17+ year sales leader about how critical it is to have sales enablement & training and the things you should keep in mind as a business as you look to scale your sales/marketing team.

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B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

2021 is upon us, and with a new year comes a new approach to your B2B marketing strategy. Unfortunately for all of us, the impacts of and uncertainty from COVID-19 still linger, and this as well as larger trends will force more adjustments to your approach to marketing your software this year. Buckle in, because it’s going to be an interesting ride!

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