
Why You Need to Invest in Content Marketing – Part 1

Roya Rodeick joins us on the BSin' with B.S. podcast to talk through all things content marketing for the software industry. We talk about what works, what doesn't, the importance of thought leadership, how content creation helps drive traffic to your website, and the need to balance customer-focused work with content production for your business.

Today's Speakers:

Kristen Ortwerth

Kristen Ortwerth

Strategic marketing pro with a passion for transforming marketing departments and initiatives into key strategic assets for B2B software organizations.

Kalli Sutton

Kalli Sutton

Enthusiastic marketing & corporate events manager with years of planning, budgeting, execution, advertising, and public relations for B2B software organizations.

Roya Rodieck

Roya Rodieck

Content marketing expert published in Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, and more. Specializes in long-form copywriting and content strategy for B2B software marketing.