
Get Fractional Interim Temporary Transitional
Executive Leadership for Your Marketing Team

When you hire a fractional CMO with real experience leading B2B software marketing teams & a proven track-record of revenue growth, you get marketing leadership for your business without breaking the bank.

What is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer?

In large software companies with a sufficient budget to support a formidable marketing department, a CMO develops the overall company marketing strategy and supervises marketing efforts. A chief marketing officer is a marketing team leader, whose key goal is to implement, manage, and support the company’s marketing plan.

When your company works with a fractional CMO, you get access to a marketing specialist with years of experience in the niche without the cost of hiring an in-house expert.

Smaller businesses may have the same expertise, but don’t actually have enough work or budget for a full-time executive. A fractional CMO has the same responsibilities as a full-time CMO. This outsourcing model allows software companies to save money while tapping into the expertise of a marketing pro with years of experience leading successful marketing programs.

How Do You Know If You Need a Fractional CMO or Interim VP of Marketing:

Fractional CMOs are highly useful for small or mid-size B2B software companies that have either recently lost a VP of Marketing/CMO or simply don’t have someone in place who can help them get the results they hope for with their current marketing staff & third-party agencies.

Overall, if you want to create consistency & accountability for your marketing efforts but aren’t comfortable hiring a full-time VP of Marketing or CMO, bringing in a fractional CMO can solve your problem.

Your software company may need a fractional CMO if:

A Fractional CMO Can Work Wonders for
A B2B Software Business

IN ADDITION TO eliminating MASSIVE overhead expenses associated with
hiring in-house experts, our fractional CMO WILL:

Be a Key Decision-Maker & Critical Part of Your Leadership Team

You’ve invested time and money in creating a stellar marketing team only to see it produce mediocre results. The lack of leadership could be the reason.  Our experienced fractional CMO can become the decision-maker your marketing department needs, helping it move away from “random acts of marketing” and “winging it.”

If your marketing leader suddenly left the company and you need comprehensive guidance, our fractional CMOs can provide it immediately. Brand Syntax experts specialize in B2B software marketing. With extensive knowledge in the niche, they can replace a marketing leader on the spot and keep the marketing campaign from losing its footing.

Assess and Reorganize the Marketing Department

Without proper organization, your marketing department could be hindering your company’s profitability instead of boosting it. Our fractional CMO can:

  • Coordinate internal resources effectively to make sure that the right people are working on the right tasks.
  • Balance workloads and resource allocation to eliminate the possibility of burnout.
  • Get the most out of agency & contractor investments
  • Plan & prioritize project timelines

Our chief marketing experts can organize your marketing team for maximum efficiency and success.

See How One Client Got Incredible Results with a Fractional CMO from Brand Syntax:

Create a More Structured Marketing Strategy

Even a top-notch marketing team can’t produce results without the proper structure and accountability. When marketing experts are doing their job without effective guidance, the entire team suffers and hurts revenue growth in the process.

Our fractional CMOs step in to take charge of the marketing department. They review your marketing goals, evaluate current efforts, and create a smooth setup for future marketing campaigns.

Measure What Matters and Make Budget Recommendations

If you aren’t sure which aspects of your marketing campaign should be measured, how much you’re getting in return for your investments in marketing, and where you should be spending your marketing dollars, you aren’t measuring your efforts properly. Our fractional CMOs review your marketing KPIs and cross-reference them with current and historical performance to see which parts of the program need extra attention.

By measuring your marketing efforts properly, our fractional CMO can help you adjust the marketing budget.

Cut Campaign Costs and Meet Deadlines

A poorly managed marketing team is likely to have issues with the distribution of the budget, creating conflicts with campaign expenses. After measuring your marketing efforts, our fractional CMO can optimize your campaign spend, thus cutting costs.

Since marketing results may not become obvious until weeks or even months later, proper marketing budget distribution is integral to success.

Additionally, by tweaking the department’s structure and planning project timeliness, the CMO can make sure strict marketing deadlines are always met.

Become a Seamless and Integral Part of Your Team

Many companies view fractional CMOs as part-time external assistance. Our chief marketing experts don’t think about your business as “just another client.” After doing extensive research about your company’s needs and goals, they become an integral part of your management and marketing teams.

By becoming a team member, our fractional CMO works “from the inside”, focusing on your company’s success.

Transforming B2B Software Marketing

Why You Should Hire a Fractional CMO Who Specializes in B2B Software Marketing

B2B software marketing is highly specific. Learning how to achieve success takes years of research and experience. While it’s possible for a fractional CMO without niche experience to handle B2B software marketing, results may be delayed substantially.

By hiring a fractional CMO who specializes in the software business, you can take advantage of specific expertise immediately. Our experts have over 50 years of combined experience marketing and selling B2B software products.

At Brand Syntax, we focus on becoming a part of your marketing team. By combining our expertise with your resources, we can set up a comprehensive, cost-efficient marketing campaign that improves your company’s bottom line. 

I meet with CEOs on a regular basis, and they all say the same thing: "Marketing agencies just don't understand what we do."

I think they're absolutely right. Enterprise B2B software is a nuanced business and sales process that requires strategic critical thinking skills which are missing in most cookie-cutter approaches to marketing.

We're trying to change that by providing a CMO with B2B experience who can provide better, more strategic advice and guidance to our clients at a lower overall cost.

Ready to grow Your Software Business?

Schedule some time to chat with us to learn how we can help to transform your marketing programs.

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